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Instagram Shoppable Posts
By Yahya profile image Yahya
4 min read

Instagram Shoppable Posts 101: All You Need to Know [2024]

There is a clichéd but relatively accurate saying: 'Wherever attention goes, money flows.' Where better to capture attention and transform it into money than on a social media platform with 2 billion active users per month? Yes, I am talking about Instagram. According to the latest studies, Instagram is

There is a clichéd but relatively accurate saying: 'Wherever attention goes, money flows.'

Where better to capture attention and transform it into money than on a social media platform with 2 billion active users per month?

Yes, I am talking about Instagram.

According to the latest studies, Instagram is receiving 2 billion active users monthly.

Leveraging this, Instagram introduced a feature called Instagram Shoppable Posts. It allows users, especially those involved in e-commerce, to convert attention into sales.

Interested in learning more about it?

Let's start…

What are Instagram Shoppable Posts?

Instagram Shoppable Posts is an e-commerce Instagram feature that allows Instagram users (mostly, but not limited to businesses) to tag products in images, videos, carousels, IGTV, Reels, and Livestream.

These posts are marked with a clickable shopping bag icon, which displays product information and a “View Products” call-to-action.

Users can explore and purchase products without leaving the app, making it a seamless shopping experience.

Instagram Shoppable Posts Eligibility Requirements

Before you start selling on Instagram, make sure you meet the following eligibility criteria:

  • You must be located in one of the eligible countries.

(Find the eligible countries for Instagram shoppable posts below)

Instagram Shopping Eligible Countries

Unfortunately, Instagram shopping is not available to all businesses worldwide. It's limited to certain businesses in selected countries.

Here they are:

North America

  • Canada
  • United States

Latin America

  • Brazil
  • Mexico


  • Denmark
  • France
  • Germany
  • Italy
  • Netherlands
  • Norway
  • Spain
  • Sweden
  • Switzerland
  • Ukraine
  • United Kingdom


  • Australia
  • India
  • Indonesia
  • Japan
  • Korea
  • Taiwan
  • Thailand

How to Set Up Instagram Shoppable Posts:

  • Ensure you meet the requirements.
  • Switch your Instagram personal account to a Business or Creator account.
  • Link your Instagram business or creator account to a Facebook Page.
  • Create a catalog containing your products and their details either manually through Facebook Business Manager or via an e-commerce platform partner.
  • Submit your account for review to Instagram to verify eligibility.

If Instagram approves your request, you can start tagging your products in both posts and stories.

How to Check if Instagram Approved Your Shop Request?

To check if your Instagram Shop request has been approved, you can use one of two methods:

First Method:

  1. Go to your business’s Instagram profile and tap the menu icon.
  2. Select “Settings”.
  3. Tap “Business”.
  4. Look for a section labeled "Shopping."

If it appears, your request for Instagram Shopping has been approved. If not, your request may still be under review or it may have been rejected.

Second Method:

  1. Visit your business’s Instagram profile page.
  2. Check for a “View Shop” button.

If it's visible, your request has been approved. If it's not, your request may still be under review or it may have been rejected.

"View Shop” button on Instagram Shop
Did you catch the buzz about TikTok’s Shop? Yes, it’s a thing! You can find more details about it right here 👇  TikTok Shop: What Is It and How Can You Make Money from It?

If this is the first time you hear about this feature you may find some related terms that can be confusing.

So, why not explain all of them to avoid facing any issues with it.

What is a Product Tag?

A product tag is a clickable label that appears on an Instagram post.

When your followers tap on the tag, they can view detailed information about the product, including its name, and price, and purchase it without leaving the app.

What is a Product Catalog?

Your product catalog is a file containing information about the products you want to sell.

It includes details like pricing, descriptions, and images.

You can upload your catalog manually through Facebook Business Manager or connect the e-commerce platform you are using (e.g., Shopify or BigCommerce) to sync your products with Instagram.

It's the step that comes before submitting your task of using the shoppable posts feature from Instagram.

What is an Instagram Checkout?

Instagram Checkout is a feature that allows users to complete their purchases directly within the Instagram app.

However, if a business has not set up Instagram Checkout, clicking 'pay' will redirect the purchaser to the business's e-commerce website checkout page.

🔴 Important Update: Starting from April 24, 2024, directing purchasers from Instagram to a business’s website checkout page will no longer be available due to a decision by Meta.

In other words, you must enable Instagram checkout and handle your orders there if you want to continue using Instagram's shoppable posts.

Instagram Shoppable Posts Cons

You already know all about the perks of selling on Instagram, right?

It’s a no-brainer!

But hold up—what about the flip side?

Are there any cons to using Instagram Shoppable posts?

Yes, even Instagram Shop comes with its own set of disadvantages.

Here are some of them:

Dependence on the Platform
Relying on a third-party platform is risky. Policy changes, fee updates, or algorithm adjustments can impact your sales and operations.

Low to Zero Customer Data
Instagram handles checkout. This means Instagram gets all customer data, not you—the seller. Customer data is valuable. It saves money, time, and energy in marketing campaigns.

Risk of Account Suspension
Marketplaces enforce strict policies. Sellers must comply. Non-compliance, even accidental, can lead to suspension or termination. Often, there is no clear way to get reinstated.

Constant Updates
Platforms like Instagram continuously update. They change requirements, policies, rules, and features. This keeps your business in a state of uncertainty. Updates happen beyond your control and disrupt your operations.

Algorithm's Effect on Visibility
Instagram's algorithms dictate when your shop appears to your audience. This is out of your control. Understanding and leveraging these algorithms is difficult. Plus, frequent changes can destabilize your sales.

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  • 🌐 Post to all social networks simultaneously
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  • 🔗 Bio links, shortener, and in-depth analytics
Start Free Today!
By Yahya profile image Yahya
Updated on