Nuelink's Journey at GITEX Africa 2024: Automating Your Social Media and Shaping the Future of Technology
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By Sanae profile image Sanae
6 min read

Nuelink's Journey at GITEX Africa 2024: Automating Your Social Media and Shaping the Future of Technology

At Nuelink, we were ecstatic to participate in this extraordinary event. Our main objective was to showcase our social media management platform, designed to automate, analyze, and optimize social media marketing for both small and large businesses.

As most of you know, Nuelink recently participated in GITEX Africa, one of the largest tech and startup shows in Africa, from May 29th to 31st, 2024. We packed our bags, along with Nuelink’s stickers, and headed to Marrakech to represent Nuelink and Morocco.

What we found there exceeded our expectations! The show, and Marrakech as a whole, was filled with innovative and creative people. This event showcased Africa's digital ambitions and achievements, where Africa’s biggest tech companies, startups, and investors exchanged ideas and collaborated on groundbreaking projects.

The atmosphere was electric with innovation, providing a platform for meaningful connections and inspiring discussions. It was a testament to the continent's potential and a glimpse into a bright future.

So, here is our recap of the most exciting three days we had, seeing some of our amazing users and meeting new ones.

Nuelink Goes to GITEX Africa

At Nuelink, we were ecstatic to participate in this extraordinary event. Our main objective was to showcase our social media management platform, designed to automate, analyze, and optimize social media marketing for both small and large businesses.

The vibrant energy at GITEX Africa was truly inspiring, and we had the privilege of engaging with hundreds of attendees. It was a fantastic opportunity to connect with many of our current users and meet potential clients, all while sharing the unique benefits and capabilities of our platform.

We have met many creative people not only from African countries such as Ivory Coast and Tunisia but also from around the world, including Spain, France, the UK, the US, North Macedonia, India, and many others. And of course, many amazing Moroccan startups and creators.

The positive feedback and enthusiastic responses we received were incredibly encouraging. Our interactions at GITEX Africa allowed us to demonstrate how Nuelink can transform social media management for businesses, providing them with the tools they need to succeed in a digital world.

We left the event with a renewed sense of purpose and excitement, eager to implement the insights gained and continue enhancing our platform to better serve our growing community.

Now that we are back at the office with a pep in our steps, we are focusing on enhancing features that many of the people we met emphasized, particularly upgrading our social media insights and finally releasing our long-awaited app. Stay tuned for these exciting updates coming your way!

Meeting Executive Vice President Trixie LohMirmand

Meeting Executive Vice President Trixie LohMirmand

One of the highlights of our participation at GITEX was the privilege of meeting Trixie LohMirmand, the Executive Vice President of Dubai World Trade Centre, and the woman running the show at GITEX Africa.

During our encounter in the final minutes of the event, our founder, Bilal, engaged in a deeply enriching conversation with Trixie about the impressive events she organized and technology innovation in the continent.

Her perspectives highlighted not only the scale and impact of GITEX but also the strategic importance of such platforms in fostering global collaborations and knowledge exchange. And after the three amazing days we had meeting all kind of people, we couldn’t agree more.

GITEX serves as a tie for industry leaders, innovators, and visionaries from around the globe, facilitating meaningful dialogues and inspiring us to further explore opportunities for innovation and collaboration in our own endeavors.

Meeting UM6P President and Iladary

We also had the honor of meeting the president of UM6, Mohammed VI Polytechnic University, and had a great conversation on the pivotal role universities play in fostering technological innovation in their communities.


Our founder Bilal also had the pleasure of meeting the team of Iladary, a promising startup giving Glovo a run for its money. Their passion and ambition were inspiring to witness.


Press Exposure and Recognition

During GITEX Africa 2024, Nuelink garnered press coverage. Our tool captured the attention of journalists and reporters, who highlighted our features and automation solutions. This media exposure not only amplified our presence at the event but also underscored our role in shaping the future of digital marketing in Africa and Globally.

Nuelink with MAP

Engaging with Social Media Agencies and Entrepreneurs

We had the pleasure of connecting with numerous outstanding social media agencies, content creators, businesses, and entrepreneurs during the event. Their responses to Nuelink were incredibly heartening and served as a testament to the importance and impact of our tool.

Through these interactions, we gained valuable insights into the diverse needs and challenges faced by digital innovators and marketers today. Listening to their feedback and learning about their experiences allowed us to deepen our understanding of how Nuelink can better serve them. Whether it was discussing advanced analytics features or exploring ways to better help e-commerce sellers, each conversation provided us with invaluable perspectives that will guide our development efforts moving forward.

These interactions not only reinforced our commitment to innovation but also strengthened our resolve to continuously improve Nuelink. By aligning our product roadmap with the evolving needs of our users, we aim to empower our users to achieve greater success and impact in their respective fields.

Connecting with Our Users

Meeting our wonderful users in person, such as the team from Launchese, was truly a highlight of the event. Their presence and encouragement provided a significant morale boost.

Beyond the professional exchange, connecting face-to-face with Launchese and our other users fostered a sense of camaraderie and partnership. It was an honor to hear firsthand how Nuelink has contributed to their growth and efficiency and to express our gratitude for their ongoing support.

We remain committed to continuing this dialogue and collaboration, working hand in hand with our users to deliver solutions that yield tangible results and empower businesses to thrive in the digital age. Remember, whenever you need a new feature, you can reach out to us at

Exploring Innovative Creations

Attending the event also provided us with a remarkable opportunity to witness the innovative creations of other Moroccan, African, and Global businesses. From tech startups like ohmylead to established enterprises like Oracle, the diversity and creativity on display were truly inspiring.

We had the privilege of exploring a myriad of cutting-edge solutions that are shaping various industries across the continent. Conversations with these innovative businesses highlighted not only their technological prowess but also their deep commitment to solving local and global challenges through innovation.

Witnessing the breadth and depth of innovation across Africa, and Morocco, reinforced our belief in the continent's potential as a hub for technological advancement and entrepreneurship.

As we reflect on the success of GITEX Africa 2024, we are excited about the future and the opportunities it holds. Africa's tech ecosystem is on the rise, and events like GITEX play a crucial role in driving this growth. At Nuelink, we are committed to being part of this journey, supporting businesses in realizing their full potential.

Thank you to everyone who visited our booth. We look forward to continuing our conversations and exploring new opportunities together. See you all again next year at GITEX Africa 2025!

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  • 🌐 Post to all social networks simultaneously
  • ✍️ Craft unique captions with AI
  • 📅 Bulk schedule hundreds of posts from a spreadsheet
  • 🔗 Bio links, shortener, and in-depth analytics
Start Free Today!
By Sanae profile image Sanae
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